2011 vs. 2024
2013 vs. 2024
In 2009, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than seven percent of Americans aged 18 and up have a drinking problem — or nearly 13.8 million Americans. 8.1 million of them are alcoholic.
So, what IS addiction / alcoholism? (I use these words interchangeably.)
It is not a moral failing. It is a disease as listed in the American Medical Association (AMA).
In 1956, the AMA declared addiction an illness. In 1966, the AMA proclaimed it a disease. Then in 1991, the AMA endorsed alcoholism in both the psychiatric and medical sections of disease, as per the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).
As defined by the AMA, alcoholism meets the three standard criteria for a disease:
1) It has an identifiable set of symptoms.
2) It follows a predictable and malignant progression if not treated.
3) It responds to treatment.
There are many ways to get and stay sober. My sobriety date is July 19th, 2013 through the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.