In Pillness and in Health

I wrote In Pillness and in Health because Alcoholism took my father at age 38 when I was 10. I never understood why he died. Then I landed in rehab at age 42, and everything changed.
Learn more about addiction!According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2009, more than seven percent of Americans aged 18 and up have a drinking problem. That is nearly 13.8 million Americans. 8.1 million of them are alcoholic.So…

Learn more about addiction!

Sept. 2011 vs. Sept. 2016.How do you know if someone is alcoholic?The light in their eyes has gone out.There are different ways to achieve sobriety, but Alcoholics Anonymous saved my life.

Sept. 2011 vs. Sept. 2016.

How do you know if someone is alcoholic?

The light in their eyes has gone out.

There are different ways to achieve sobriety, but Alcoholics Anonymous saved my life.


For more information on Alcoholics Anonymous in the San Fernando Valley, Ca. click here

Or for the General Office in NYC call 212-870-3400 or

NEW! (10/4/17) My KidneyTalk podcast interview with Lori Hartwell from Renal Support Network. Click here: An open and honest discussion about addiction!

Learn more about kidney transplantation!A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that places a healthy kidney from a live or deceased donor into a person whose kidneys no longer function properly.The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on …

Learn more about kidney transplantation!

A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that places a healthy kidney from a live or deceased donor into a person whose kidneys no longer function properly.

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine just below the rib cage. Each one is about the size of a fist. Their main function is to filter and remove excess waste, minerals and fluid from the blood by producing urine.

When your kidneys lose this filtering ability, harmful levels of fluid and waste accumulate in your body, which can raise your blood pressure and result in kidney failure (End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) or End-Stage Kidney Disease). ESRD occurs when the kidneys have lost about 90 percent of their ability to function normally.

Common causes of ESRD include:


-Chronic, uncontrolled high blood pressure.

-Chronic Glomerulonephritis—inflammation and eventual scarring of the tiny filters (glomeruli) within your kidneys. (MINE.)

-Polycystic Kidney Disease.

*People with ESRD need to have waste removed from their bloodstream via a machine (dialysis) or a kidney transplant to stay alive.*

March 8th, 2011 vs. April 11th, 2011.7% kidney function vs. Three days after transplant.

March 8th, 2011 vs. April 11th, 2011.

7% kidney function vs. Three days after transplant.

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